Happy customers make business sense

This is Betty converts customer insight into compelling experiences and builds truly customer centric companies.

The Betty Way

This is Betty is a Customer Experience Agency who will transform and improve your business by creating value in the relationship with your customers.

A business developer passionate about transforming the way we deliver your services to your customers.

We take on a holistic 360 approach in customer experience, across all channels and touchpoints. We don’t just leave you with a report, we facilitate the implementation as well.

We want your customers to be able to focus on what is important in their lives instead of being annoyed by bad customer journeys. This will of course make your company more profitable.

Betty is the challenger who never accepts the status quo.

What This is Betty can do for you!


This is Betty has a holistic and zoomed out approach to Customer Experience, defining it both as

–       DESIGNING profitable customer experiences – where it matters –  with a 360 degree view across all channels

–       LEADING for customer centricity; management walking the talk, organisational design and adoption, transformation, measurement, KPIs.

We work with Customer Journey Mapping as a tool, and also hold training sessions on a regular basis. The participants are often from clientside and we truly understand their challenges in making customer centricity happen.


– What to Achieve

  • Customer Experience Strategy
  • Transformation strategy
  • Service Concepts
  • Loyalty & CRM Strategy
  • KPIs

Customer Insight

– Listen & Learn

  • Continuous and Systematic Customer Feedback
  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • Net Promoter System (NPS)
  • Data Driven Insights

Customer Experience Design

– Bring Ideas to Life

  • Business design
  • Service Design
  • Process and Operational Design
  • Customer Dialogue
  • Data Driven Personalisation
  • Prototyping & Testing

Organisation & Management

– Make it happen

  • Cross Functional Way of Working
  • Customer Driven Leadership & Culture
  • Combining Top Down & Bottom Up Approach

Customer Experience Design

– Bring Ideas to Life

  • Business design
  • Service Design
  • Process and Operational Design
  • Customer Dialogue
  • Data Driven Personalisation
  • Prototyping & Testing
Organisation & Management | This is Betty

Organisation & Management

– Make it happen

  • Cross Functional Way of Working
  • Customer Driven Leadership & Culture
  • Combining Top Down & Bottom Up Approach
Inspire & Motivate | This is Betty

Inspire & Motivate

  • Customer Journey Mapping Training
  • Customer Centricity Training
  • Seminars
  • CX Maturity Grader

Want to know more?


Work shop facilitator and advisor:

Customer Journey Mapping Training

Most companies understand that the customer experience they deliver is the way to compete on the market. They just don’t know how to make it happen.

The course has a theory session around customer experience and the reason for customer journey mapping, followed by practical introduction to the tool.

Together with a partner This is Betty has developed a concept where the participants will get tools and also get help and inspiration towards becoming a customer centric organisation. During the training there is an exchange of experiences, discussions and individual advice.

Customer Journey Mapping Training

Change in processes, focus and execution:

Proactive Customer Lifecycle Management

Driving the change from short term sales oriented CRM to a proactive customer dialogue across the customer lifecycle. The work included getting internal buy in from stakeholders. Using Adobe to automate customer dialogues based on the customer’s activities and predictive modelling. Introducing a work process towards internal stakeholders and partners that is flexible and cost efficient, with a measurable ROI. Also planning for the implementation of a recommendation engine.

This resulted in increased customer focus throughout the customer lifecycle as well as a more effective long term loyalty focus.

To develop and drive the execution of branded customer experience transformation, including customer experience design, the securing of stakeholder sponsorship, project delivery and gaining buy-in from the business. Visible via meetings, workshops and championing a best in class customer experience. Also project managing the implementation of one of the new concepts.

Proactive Customer Lifecycle Management

Project management and strategic direction:

Using Data Driven Insight to Personalise Customer Messages

Project managing a pilot combining data from both customer and product usage to personalise a newsletter. A content library was created and continually updated, advanced data analyses was performed and messages were automised using Adobe.

The pilot meant going from a one version newsletter to a personalised in thousands of versions resulting in increased usage and decreased churn.

Using Data Driven Insight to Personalise Customer Messages

Programme Leader:

Introducing Strategic Customer Experience in Large Corporation

To develop and drive the execution of branded customer experience transformation, including customer experience design, the securing of stakeholder sponsorship, project delivery and gaining buy-in from the business. Visible via meetings, workshops and championing a best in class customer experience. Also project managing the implementation of one of the new concepts.

Introducing Strategic Customer Experience in Large Corporation

Project Member:

Introducing Systematic Customer Feedback as Part of a Customer Centricity Group Initiative in a Multi-National Corporation (telco).

Introduction to Net Promoter System (NPS) and the whole framework of Customer Experience Management through one of the big management consultancies. From initial project set-up, initial analysis of customer service data, setting up the pilot, closing the loop, gap analysis, improvement work, business cases, prioritisations and incorporation of strategy into the overall company strategy. International project with 15 countries involved. Being project member to ensure roll out across Sweden.

Systematic Customer Feedback as Part of a Customer Centricity Group

About Camilla Lif, founder


All my working life I have focused on the customer. I am passionate about understanding customer needs. The end customers don’t know that I exist even though I focus on making their lives easier. The company that I work for will know that I exist though, since I will help them to become customer centric and therefore more profitable.

My Experience

My main experience is clientside, having worked with Customer Insight, Customer Strategy and Relationship Management for many years. I have had roles such as CX Strategist and Head of CRM.

Since 2011 I have focused on Customer Experience (CX) which I am very passionate about. The reason why I have taken on CX on top of CRM is that I wanted to work not only with customer communication but also with the organisation living the brand and actually delivering customer experience. Behaviour is supposed to stand for 80% of the experience, communication only 20%.

The past years I have dived into design thinking, to understand how it can complement the business world that I knew. For instance, I have taken courses such as Designing Change (IDEOx) and attended Design Thinkers Academy Bootcamp in London. I am convinced that prototyping and customer involvement is the right way in finding the right solutions, no matter if it is the design of internal processes, service concepts or a digital solution.

My Experience

My main experience is clientside, having worked with Customer Insight, Customer Strategy and Relationship Management for many years. I have had roles such as CX Strategist and Head of CRM.

Since 2011 I have focused on Customer Experience (CX) which I am very passionate about. The reason why I have taken on CX on top of CRM is that I wanted to work not only with communication but also with the organisation living the brand and actually delivering customer experience. Behaviour is supposed to stand for 80% of the experience, communication only 20%.

The past years I have dived into design thinking, to understand how it can complement the business world that I knew. For instance, I have been to the Design Thinkers Academy Bootcamp in London. I am convinced that prototyping and customer involvement is the right way in finding the right solutions, no matter if it is the design of internal processes, service concepts or a digital solution.

About the company name

In 2008, me and my husband had our second daughter. We were thinking of naming her Betty, a name that we love. We decided not to, since she didn’t seem like a typical Betty. She was so calm, quiet and content the way things were.

Now that she is bigger, I would say her personality is a perfect Betty, something we are very proud of. She has strong beliefs, is empathic and does things her own way. Luckily, Betty is her second name. And the name of my business.


En kundresa kan betyda mycket

En kundresa kan betyda mycket

Customer Journeys eller kundresor är väl använda ord idag. Men alla som pratar om kundresor menar inte samma sak och använder olika perspektiv. Även om syftet är detsamma, att optimera kundens upplevelse. Förra veckan var jag på en konferens om kundlojalitet, som till...

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Kundfokus lyser med sin frånvaro

Igår var jag och lyssnade när Sverigestudien 2016 lanserades, den mäter svenskars värdegrund ur flera perspektiv; individens, arbetsplatsens och samhällets. Resultaten är intressanta och oroväckande på flera plan. När det gäller samhället har vi framför allt blivit...

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Contact This is Betty

Tel +46 (0)702172204


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